Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus. - Phil 3:13-14
Dear church family,
We hope everyone had a very Merry Christmas and got time to rest and be with family and friends during the holidays.
We wish everyone a very Happy New Year filled with a deepening relationship with God, a growing love for each other through Jesus' example, and strength to serve and care for the people around us, being led by the Holy Spirit.
- VCOC Leadership Team
Here's what happening this week (more details below):
-> To view our full calendar for the next few months, please see our
Gatherings page on the VCOC website.
This Wednesday at 7:30pm we have an opportunity for anyone available to pray together on Zoom for our first midweek of the year.
Since Burnaby South was not available, we will be meeting this Sunday at 2:00pm at South Arm United Church, Richmond.
Guy Hammond will be doing a 2 part Webinar series exclusively with the Vancouver Church of Christ over two midweeks in January. Please see details below and links to register for these two sessions. Here is some more info below from the Strength in Weakness website:
SIW Webinar Event - 2-Part Series with the Vancouver Church of Christ