‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind’; and, ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ - Luke 10:27
To educate, support, and empower those living with mental health challenges and their supporters, using empathy and compassion to strengthen our faith community.
What we will offer: Safe spaces for education sessions, support groups, discussions, opportunities to participate in a series of sessions from Sanctuary Mental Health Ministries (a free online program open to everyone), guidance towards community resources
What we will not offer: counselling, diagnosis or treatment of a mental health condition
Join us for a series of 2 midweeks (online) to learn the importance of holding space and actively listening with friends and family who are struggling with mental health issues.
In this session on Active Listening, Cathy Silva from the Vancouver Church of Christ Mental Health Ministry walks us through the importance of giving full attention to what someone is saying, listening with empathy, and understanding their perspective.